Sunday, April 26, 2009


These pictures are of the little kids that I taught English to when I first got Venezuela.  We had been here probably about three months at the most.  I met a friend of the family that is now a great friend to me too.  She got my connected with a college that teaches all languages.  At first they started me teaching a group of adult that had a good base in English and where taking an intensive course that was only 6 months long.  Soon after that, the college asked me again if I enjoyed children.  Of course I said yes but little did I know what lay ahead.
  When I started I could barely speak enough Spanish to stop the bus.  I was a little nervous because these kids are all in the age range of  2.5 to 6 years old.  I had 2 classes a day, twice a week. First the little kids then the older ones.  The first couple of days where great but then they started acting out.  When the word got out that there was a native English teacher working in the private school, everyone want their kids to be part of it.  One problem, the classroom was the size of a closet!! No joke.  Imagine 10 to 12 kids in a closet.  See, now you understand why they started acting out.  I soon request a bigger classroom and a helper.  WOW !! I remember when it was time to go home. I would wait for their parent to pick them up and I would leave crying. This when on for 2 months. 
Well you can imagine I quit soon after that. Well I felt bad about leaving but I gave it everything I had.  The first teacher they hired lasted a week and she spoke Spanish. I really enjoyed the kids it was just the lack of preparation by the college and the private school.  I know in my heart that it would have been a huge success if only I had received the support, materials and space.
Shortly after I left, the director of that program told me how sad the kid where that I left.  One mom told her about her daughter.  She would go home and ask her mom how to say this or that just so she could talk to me .  Their parents reported that they would come home singing in English and pointing to pictures of animals teaching the members of their family the words they learned.  I thought that they weren't getting anything out of my classes.
I watch Pablo very close and the way he communicates is the most incredible thing I have ever seen.  He is 2 and is perfectly bi-lingual.  If he is talking to me it's always English. Even if he says something to me in Spanish he immediately repeats it in English.  We teach a couple English classes together. It's just amazing that these little kids know only a few words but want to know so much more.  We teach for 1 hour and then play for about 10 or 15 minutes.  After we leave they ask their parents how to say this or that and want to speak English in the house. Pablo makes them feel comfortable. He is such big help.  He doesn't translate or ask questions about grammar.  He just gets it by speaking it. I think that most important thing about us being here is that Pablo and Antonio will be able to serve the people of this world better because they are bi-lingual. I strongly erg everyone to help themselves by helping their kids be all that they can be.  It's not hard, it's all about consistency.  My point is nobody really understands how children can learn so much so fast, but you are doing them an injustice by not helping them achieve their highest potential!!!

This blog spot is now my memory pad.  I will be scribbling my thought of evens that happen as they happen or past events I want to remember. 

First Family Photo!!!

That is one good looking family if I do say so myself!  The boys are so big now.  We are amazed by the beautiful miracle of life. April 2009 
Bob took time out of his busy day in the Hospital Central to do this for us.!! He always makes time for us.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Adventures in Caracas

A.M. April 24 2009
This week we have tried everyday to find a way to get to Caracas.  Well today I think it will actually happen.  I am very nervous but on alert, do to the fact I'm going by myself.  Will my Spanish fail me or will my survival instincts  kick in?

P.M. April 24 2009
Left for Caracas 9:30a.m.  I immediately started going over in my head what to say.  Shortly after that I got so car sick I had to sleep.  Antonio was already sleeping really good, this was his first time on a trip.  We got to Caracas at 12 p.m.
Okay, so here we are driving around looking for a garage to park to the car.  Telmo (Roberto's good friend) the taxi driver was never to leave me alone. But I had to what a line to pick-up this paper so the sooner you get in the better.  Well NO parking available so I told him to let me off in front of the place and he can come later.  I was pumped to handle whatever came my why.  I walked right in speaking Spanish to find out where to go.  The guard was really nice and took the time to answer my questions and give me directions.  So far so good!  I sat down next to a very dark skin, beautiful young girl. She was holding a paper that read at the top Department of United States of America.  So I asked her if this was here for her Visa to travel.  She told me is got married 1 year ago and her husband is N. American.  Well to make this short.  He was a missionary in Zulia, Maracibo, Venezuela.  He came back for her and now they are try to go to the states to live in Utah.  Small world!!!  My prayers where answer in so many ways today.  Safety, speaking and a safe return home.
So talked while waiting and when the windows opened the 8 people ahead of me let me pass ahead because I had Antonio.  Was out of there 10 mins later.  The lady at the window was even nice and smiling.  Wow this is not something I had experienced in Caracas yet.
The most important part is that I received the birth cert. of Antonio with the stamp.  As Pablo says 'I got some good news and some bad news.' The good news is two more offices to go and we can get Antonio a US passport!!!!!  The bad news is that it takes at least three trip to get it done.  BOOOO!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Get ready for Christmas...

I know that it sounds early but I always wait too long and never have thing ready to sell for the holidays.  So I have started making little figures using this clay made out of glue.  I will soon try to start making my own shirts, seeing as I have NONE.  Crafts are my addiction and I LOVE IT!

The boys are doing great (all three of them). Bob is in the surgery rotation. He and Pablo when to class today in the Hospital Central to practice putting on casts.  Pablo just loves being with his 
Daddy. Pablo is totally into Toy Story 1 & 2. Watch what you say he repeats all the words from that movie with action figure in hand. Antonio is practicing sitting up and moving around in his little walker. His feet now match Pablo's BLACK BLACK BLACK!  We are learning that he has a voice when he doesn't like something or is hungry.  He has been stealing food off my plate, so we started giving him squash, potatoes, baby juice jars, bread, oatmeal and still mom's milk.  He is growing so strong!!

Sometimes in the hot season people set the mountains on fire... so sad.  Well that explains the black feet.

Pablo and I have gripe but not too bad.  Just so tired.  Yesterday Pablo took a long nap but Antonio didn't so of course. So today you can guess Antonio took a really long nap and Pablo didn't.  My recovery maybe a longer now.

We met Bob down on the main avenue the other day so that we could get our FIRST family photo taken. So fun!  They turned out really nice so I will be posting them ASAP.  (First I have to learn all this stuff) haha!

That is all for now... more to come.